JUDICIARY Latest Features

High Court Session in Kalangala
Hon. Lady Justice Victoria Nakintu Nkwanga Katamba

The Masaka Resident Judge, Hon. Lady Justice Victoria Nakintu Nkwanga Katamba, this week opened a High Court Criminal Session at Kalangala Chief Magistrate's Court where 40cases are going to be handled.

According to the causelist signed by the Masaka Deputy Registrar, HW Dr Agnes Nkonge, the bulk of cases to be handled are aggravated defilement.

This is the third High Court session to be conducted at the Court since its inception, the first being in 2014, and 2016.

HW Dr Nkonge said the session will help in handling the backlog of capital cases arising from Kalangala Chief Magistrate's Court.

She added that holding the off-shore session was one of the efforts by the Judiciary to take services closer to the public it serves.

The opening of the session was witnessed by Kalangala Magistrate Grade One, Daniel Epobu Kiboko as well as representatives from different Justice, Law and Order Sector institutions.

Posted 23rd, February 2021
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